29. Interview with Jerry St. Pierre: US Army Engineer & US Air Force Chaplain
Thundering Legion Podcast: Armed Forces Members United In Christ - A podcast by Thundering Legion

Jerry St. Pierre overcame significant life adversity including violence, abuse, and poverty during Jerry's formative years then enlisted in the Army Guard as an engineer and deployed to combat in Afghanistan. Jerry went to seminary and now serves as an active duty Air Force chaplain. Jerry is a certified performance coach for the Department of the Air Force and coaches leaders across the Air Force at all levels to practice self-reflection, creativity in problem solving, and accountability. Additionally, Jerry gives back to college students rising from adversity through the St. Pierre Alliance, leads the “Life and Money Podcast,” participates in real estate investing, and has been married for 20 years with 3 children.
- Jerrystpierre.com
- Life and Money Coach Podcast
- Thundering Legion Episode 22: Man After God’s Heart Study
- St Pierre Alliance
Episode Notes:
- Background: Unstable family background, enlisted as Army engineer
Testimony: Mom was mentally handicapped, raised in inner city New Orleans, came to Christ in high school, heart loved Lord but didn’t love school, went to church but home life was a different story, too scared to go to college and too scared to go active duty
Successes and failures: Unemployed for 18 months, more committed to calling than career
Struggles: Deal with a lot of fear in own life - self work to mature
Calling: Ministry is currently through the Air Force, but not capped at the Air Force, Life and money coach podcast
Favorite Books of the Bible: Psalms, Proverbs
Daily Spiritual Growth: Word, Prayer, Family Bible studies
Advice: Connect with other Christians, PCS - find a new church
Hobbies: Link - St. Pierre Alliance
What does this episode reveal about God’s character?
How does this episode cause us to see our need for a Savior?
How can we apply lessons learned from this episode to our life?
Follow Christ for this day!
✝️ “Choose this day whom you will serve...” Joshua 24:15
✝️ “If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” Romans 10:9
Next steps:
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Jerry St. Pierre's Disclaimer
"Jerry St Pierre, Jerrystpierre.com, and related websites represent the personal views and projects of Jerry St. Pierre.
The contents expressed are NOT those of the US Air Force, Department of Defense, or US Government.
Content expressed are provided for general information purposes only and do not constitute legal, tax, accounting or other professional advice.
Visitors should NOT act upon any information or content found here without first seeking appropriate advice from an accountant, financial planner, lawyer or other professional."