38. Interview with LCDR Jason Bilbro: US Navy Veteran, Marriage Counselor, Doctoral Seminary Student

Thundering Legion Podcast: Armed Forces Members United In Christ - A podcast by Thundering Legion


Today we dig into the story of Jason Bilbro who is a 24-year veteran of the United States Navy. While on active duty, he made seven deployments, visiting 39 countries around the globe. He completed his BA in English from the University of Missouri (Columbia) and his MS in Human Systems Integration from the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, CA. He retired as a Lieutenant Commander in 2019 to pursue the call of God on his life and moved with his wife and two daughters to Ozark, MO. Jason completed his MA in Theological Studies from the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary, in May of 2023 and is currently enrolled in the Doctorate of Ministry program, with an emphasis in contextual leadership and spiritual formation. Jason and his wife Tatum both have a heart for pastoral and marriage ministry, and to develop passionate followers of Jesus Christ. 


Episode Notes:

  • Background: Diagnosted with ADHD early. Achievement oriented: joined Navy out of high school. Got married after deployment and immediately regretted decision, which kicked off 5 years of pain. Jason and Tatum saw multiple counselors and relationship struggles continued to escalate to physical danger, causing separation and nearly divorce.

  • Testimony: Preacher’s kid. Check the box “Christian.” Pornography addiction caused detachment, suppression of conscience, and years of marital problems which nearly led to divorce.

  • Calling: Started informally mentoring other couples. Online testimony began to spread and help other couples. Now leading Broken Bonds Ministry and pursuing Doctorate of Ministry program with a heart for pastoral and marriage ministry.

  • Favorite Books of the Bible: Questions of Jesus. "Do you want to get well?"

  • Advice: Have a battle plan. Find community and accountability

  • Contact Jason


  • What does this episode reveal about God’s character?

  • How does this episode cause us to see our need for a Savior? 

  • How can we apply lessons learned from this episode to our life?

Follow Christ for this day!

  • ✝️ “Choose this day whom you will serve...” ‭‭Joshua‬ ‭24‬:‭15‬

  • ‭✝️ “If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” ‭‭Romans‬ ‭10‬:‭9‬ 

Next steps:

  • Share with an armed forces member

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