43. Interview with Air Force Lt Col (Ret) William “Buck” Buckingham

Thundering Legion Podcast: Armed Forces Members United In Christ - A podcast by Thundering Legion


Today we interview Air Force Lieutenant Colonel (Retired) William “Buck” Buckingham who throughout his career flew the C-17 Spec Ops, C-130J initial cadre, C-32 (Boeing 757) at the 89th Air Wing. 

Episode Notes:

  • Background: Navy Enlisted 1990, Embry Riddle AFROTC, Laughlin Pilot Training, C-17 Spec Ops & Weapons School, CJSC, ACSC

  • Testimony: Refining process in bootcamp. Personal encounter with God (through Gideon Bible on aircraft carrier) in April 1992 then whole family came to Christ after him. Deviated from faith during Air Force career and went through a divorce and came back to place of repentance.

  • Successes and failures: 
    • Parallels between teaching and applying the Word and instructing in aviation. 

    • Personal trauma with older daughter after divorce. Must trust God in the brokenness in family.
    • Lots of alcohol consumption while traveling on high-dollar accounts. When we gain success and power by God’s grace, we tend to become prideful. Became distracted by work and began drinking to numb marital challenges at home. Broke down in 2015 when daughter alienated by fallout of divorce.

  • Calling: We were created for one purpose: worship. We get worship wrong which lead to all kinds of consequences. Called to ministry to trauma cases. People who are contrite in heart are closer to God than those who are self-righteous (the Pharisees). Psalm 51:17. Secular counseling programs don’t go deep enough to really deal with the heart issues underlying addiction. Core issue of addiction was that God was not #1. 
  • Favorite Books of the Bible: Philippians 2:12 work out salvation in fear and trembling, because God is working through us for His joy.

  • Daily Spiritual Growth: 0400 reading Bible for 2 hours. Need quiet in the mornings: Lamentations 3:23. Spiritual experience to wake up unhurried early and see creation anticipate dawn. Becoming Biblically literate with “spiritual breakfast”

  • Advice:  Look to warriors of the faith like Joshua. Seek the Lord daily. God’s people are all over the world and He has us in our current position for a purpose. Be focused on where you are at the time. Be the change. Don’t get pulled into the distraction. Our purpose in life is to worship God first and foremost. God’ word will help us live our best life.

  • Contact Buck: [email protected] 


  • What does this episode reveal about God’s character?

  • How does this episode cause us to see our need for a Savior? 

  • How can we apply lessons learned from this episode to our life?

Follow Christ today:

  • ✝️ “Choose this day whom you will serve...” ‭‭Joshua‬ ‭24‬:‭15‬

  • ‭✝️ “If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” ‭‭Romans‬ ‭10‬:‭9‬ 

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  • Share with an armed forces member

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