Tim & Sam: Advice for 35
Tim & Sam - A podcast by Tim Gillespie, Sam Leonor

10. Tim & Sam // Advice for 35 Hosts: Tim Gillespie, Sam Leonor In this light-hearted episode Tim and Sam answer listener mail and what advice they would give to their 35 year-old selves. If you have any questions for Tim & Sam, you can email us at [email protected]. Join a connect group. (4:40) Theodicy: the defense of God in the midst of suffering. (5:37) Update on life as a professor. (6:30) “What is it like to have aged? What do the 35 year-olds have to look forward to? What would you have liked to know 10 years ago? (15:10) “Don’t fear change.” (21:35) “Do less but better.” (22:41) “What inspires you right now?” (24:36) Books mentioned: McKeown, Greg. Essentialism the Disciplined Pursuit of Less. Crown Business, 2014. Segall, Ken. Insanely Simple. Penguin Books Ltd., 2012. Pine, B. Joseph, and James H. Gilmore. The Experience Economy. Harvard Business School Press, 2011. Klosterman, Chuck. But What If We're Wrong?: Thinking about the Present as If It Were the Past. Penguin Books, 2018. MILLER, B. J. BEGINNERS GUIDE TO THE END: Practical Advice for Living Life and Facing Death. SIMON & SCHUSTER, 2020. www.crosswalkvillage.com/ Instagram: @crosswalk_village Facebook: @CrosswalkVillage