High Windows- A full reading to celebrate Larkin's birthday on 9th August
Tiny In All That Air - A podcast by The Philip Larkin Society

Today on the 9th August we celebrate Philip Larkin’s birthday and we read High Windows from start to end, in order to mark the 50th anniversary of Larkin’s final collection. Philip Pullen and Graham Chesters chat to Lyn about High Windows. Please note there is some strong language and challenging themes in the collection. Poems and readers: To the Sea- Lyn Lockwood Deputy Chair of the Philip Larkin Society Sympathy in White Major- Dale Salwak Honorary Vice President of the Philip Larkin Society, professor English, magician The Trees-Carole Collinson Trustee of the Philip Larkin Society Livings: I, II, III-Clarissa Hard Trustee of the Philip Larkin Society Forget What Did- Gavin Hogg member of the Philip Larkin Society, writer, podcast host High Windows- Martin Jennings Honorary Vice President of the Philip Larkin Society, sculptor Friday Night in the Royal Station Hotel -Alan Johnson Honorary Vice President of the Philip Larkin Society, writer, former Secretary of State for Health and Social Care The Old Fools-Andrew Motion Honorary Vice President of the Philip Larkin Society, writer, former Poet Laureate. Going, Going-Kate Romano BBC Radio 3 producer, musician, CEO Stapleford Granary The Card-Players-David Quantick Honorary Vice President of the Philip Larkin Society, novelist, screenwriter. The Building-Ann Thwaite Honorary Vice President of the Philip Larkin Society, biographer. Posterity-RM Healey founder member of the Alliance of Literary Societies Dublinesque-Graham Chesters Chair of the Philip Larkin Society Homage to a Government-Trevor Norwood Trustee of the Philip Larkin Society This Be The Verse-Chris Sewart member of the Philip Larkin Society, prize winning poet based in East Yorkshire How Distant-Cath Sked member of the Philip Larkin Society, former English teacher, arts enthusiast. Sad Steps-Blake Morrison Honorary Vice President of the Philip Larkin Society, poet and novelist. Solar-Rosie Millard President of the Philip Larkin Society, journalist, writer and broadcaster Annus Mirabilis-Stewart Lee Honorary Vice President of the Philip Larkin Society, writer and comedian Vers de Société-Rachael Galletly Trustee of the Philip Larkin Society Show Saturday-Philip Pullen Trustee of the Philip Larkin Society Money-Simon Galloway, audio producer, podcast host Cut Grass-Devon Allison Chair of the Barbara Pym Society The Explosion-Vicky Foster member of the Philip Larkin Society, writer, performer, poet and teacher based in Hull Some references and further reading: Eugene Boudin - 1824-1898- French landscape painter who focused on the outdoors and particularly harbours and beaches. It Happened Like This by Vicky Foster (Bloomsbury Publishing, 2024) The Old Fools Animation directed by Ruth Lingford, narrated by Bob Geldof https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0376020/ We Peaked At Paper by Gavin Hogg and Hamish Ironside (Boatwhistle Books, 2022) https://www.boatwhistle.com/store/item/hogg--ironside-we-peaked-at-paper/ The Guardian review of High Windows https://www.theguardian.com/books/2014/jun/06/philip-larkin-poetry-high-windows-archive-1974 The Giddy Carousel of Pop presented by Simon Galloway and Gavin Hogg https://giddypoppod.home.blog/ Stewart Lee tour dates and news https://www.stewartlee.co.uk/ Martin Jennings public sculptor, Royal Coin https://martinjennings.com/ The Alliance of Literary Societies https://allianceofliterarysocieties.wordpress.com/ The Barbara Pym Society https://barbara-pym.org/ Sleeping on Islands: A Life In Poetry by Andrew Motion (Faber and Faber, 2023) Two Sisters by Blake Morrison (The Borough Press, 2023) Upcoming events Please join Lyn Lockwood and Chris Ewart in Hull on 21st September 2024: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/some-dappled-park-a-poetry-writing-workshop-inspired-by-philip-larkins-hull-tickets-940211757677?aff=oddtdtcreator Larkin Weekend 13-15 September 2024 at Stapleford Granary https://www.staplefordgranary.org.uk/whats-on/events/larkin-weekend