Larkin the Librarian
Tiny In All That Air - A podcast by The Philip Larkin Society

This episode was researched and planned by PLS Trustees Julian Henry and Dr Chris Fletcher, Keeper of Special Collections at the Bodleian Library, Oxford. Philip Larkin was a librarian for 42 years. He had no formal training when he set off; he chose the career on the spur of the moment as a 21 year old after leaving university, like many students, without a career in mind. However, he came to be one of the UK's most influential and ground-breaking librarians of the post-war years, and his influence is still felt today. In this episode we examine Larkin's life as a librarian and how in interwove with his writing, friendships and relationships. Larkin poems discussed: An Arundel Tomb The Card Players Long Lion Days Lines on a Young Lady's Photograph Album Wedding Wind The Mower At Grass Toads/ Toads Revisited Other references: My Particular Talents by Richard Goodman, About Larkin, 4 October 1997. Huddled Tea Breaks in the Cupboard by Pamela Hanley, About Larkin, 4 October 1997. Agony in the Garden The Independent on Sunday, Dr Christopher Fletcher, 31/10/2004 A Neglected Responsibility by Philip Larkin from Required Writing: Miscellaneous Pieces 1955-1982 (Faber, 1986) Letters to Monica by Philip Larkin ed. Anthony Thwaite (Faber, 2010) Philip Larkin: A Writer's Life by Andrew Motion (Faber, 1993) Produced by Lyn Lockwood and Gavin Hogg PLS Membership and information: Theme music: 'The Horns Of The Morning' by The Mechanicals Band. Buy 'The Righteous Jazz' at their Bandcamp page: