Series preview with Kyra Piperides Jaques
Tiny In All That Air - A podcast by The Philip Larkin Society

In this introductory episode, we talk to Kyra Piperides Jaques about her involvement in the Philip Larkin Society and look ahead to what you can expect to hear throughout the series. Larkin biographer James Booth (and future guest) on The Building, the poem discussed by Kyra; Yes, the Building has got to be the new HRI on Anlaby Road. The description clinches it surely - a lucent honeycomb (I seem to remember, earlier, it was painted yellow, not blue as now), a clean-sliced cliff, with the slums still (then) huddled around it. This is the hospital Larkin attended in January 1972 with a crick in his neck (opened by the Queen in June 1967.) Our first full episode will be available on 2nd December 2019. Subscribe to this podcast for free via your favourite podcast app. Presented by Lyn Lockwood Theme music: 'The Horns Of The Morning' by The Mechanicals Band Audio production by Simon Galloway Follow us and get it touch on Twitter Find out more about the Philip Larkin Society here.