0.04 Season 2 Wrap-up & SPECIAL MAILBAG!
To L And Back: An L Word Podcast - A podcast by To L And Back

For our Sesaon 2 wrap-up and mailbag podcast we were joined by very special and convenient guests @robinshoots, Carly's wife, and @laurentaylorklein, our podcast producer!!! Also: by you, via your emails, voicemails, and general auras. Come along as we continue discussing the murder of Mark and Gomey, Tina's ponchos and what my dog Carol thinks about all this. Plus: bonus footage cut from the original podcast episodes! Y'all are real cute you don't wanna miss this. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter at @tolandback Follow Riese everywhere at @autowin and her esteemed website @autostraddle. Join our membership program, A+, to ensure our site lasts as long as this show did! Follow Carly Usdin everywhere @carlytron Theme song: Be Steadwell @besteadwell Logo: Carra Sykes @carrasykes Episode Produced, Mixed, Edited: Lauren Klein @laurentaylorklein