0.05 LIVE from LA! Showtime x Autostraddle Presents: Generation Q

To L And Back: An L Word Podcast - A podcast by To L And Back


Showtime x Autostraddle presents a very special LIVE episode of “To L and Back” featuring the cast of The L Word: Generation Q! Recorded at the LA LGBT Center (@ileosheng, @jtoboni, @arienne_mandi, @rosannyzayas) with an audience of ~200 delightful humans, Carly and Riese talk to Jacqueline Toboni (Finley), Leo Sheng (Micah), Rosanny Zayas (Sophie) and Arienne Mandi (Dani) about filming sex scenes, L Word origin stories, riding losing winning, falling in love with your best friend, on-set shenanigans, fan fiction and musical writing. An incredible time was had by all and you can too!! Plus: details on our Generation Q podcast and a special code to get a 30 day free trial of Showtime!   Follow us on Instagram and Twitter at @tolandback Follow Riese everywhere at @autowin and her esteemed website @autostraddle. Join our membership program, A+, to ensure our site lasts as long as this show did!  Follow Carly Usdin everywhere @carlytron Follow our SPECIAL GUESTS @ileosheng, @jtoboni, @arienne_mandi, @rosannyzayas Theme song: Be Steadwell @besteadwell Logo: Carra Sykes @carrasykes Episode Produced, Mixed, Edited: Lauren Klein @laurentaylorklein