3.06 Lifesize

To L And Back: An L Word Podcast - A podcast by To L And Back


Riese and Carly are back on “to l and back” picking up right where we left off — deep in the mud of season three! Comedian Jes Thom joins us for episode 306, wherein topics of conversation include strap on mechanics, monogamy amongst birds, how we are supposed to believe that Dylan isn’t gay, Tina exploring her interest in flesh and blood men, Jenny’s survivor memoir and so much more! Follow us on Instagram and Twitter at @tolandback Follow Riese everywhere at @autowin and her esteemed website @autostraddle. Join our membership program, A+, to ensure our site lasts as long as this show did!  Follow Carly Usdin everywhere @carlytron Follow our SPECIAL GUEST Jes Tom @jestom, @jesthekid Theme song: Be Steadwell @besteadwell Logo: Carra Sykes @carrasykes Episode Produced, Mixed, Edited: Lauren Klein @laurentaylorklein