6.08 Last Word

To L And Back: An L Word Podcast - A podcast by To L And Back


It’s time: 608 aka “Last Word” aka the very last episode of The L Word aka the worst series finale of all time — is here. And BOI do we have some notes! Join us for over two hours of deep analysis of an episode in which we get lots of eyeball close ups, a total remodel of a classic property, an allegedly 3 hour tribute video starring Ivan’s rings, some final cut shenanigans, the constant threat of woozie, bathroom snobbery, a new haircut for Molly and so much more! Follow us on Instagram and Twitter at @tolandback Follow Riese everywhere at @autowin and her esteemed website @autostraddle. Join our membership program, A+, to ensure our site lasts as long as this show did!  Follow Carly Usdin everywhere @carlytron Theme song: Be Steadwell @besteadwell Logo: Carra Sykes @carrasykes Episode Produced, Mixed, Edited: Lauren Klein @laurentaylorklein