Tii - iTem 0225 - Verizon has no Business Acumen
Today in iOS - The Unofficial iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch Podcast - A podcast by Rob @ podCast411 and Part of the podcast411network

Tii - iTem 0225 - Verizon has no Business Acumen
Links Mentioned on this Episode:
Today's Sponsor is Hover - tii.hover.com
Save 25% on custom email with promo code - tiimail
Apple Moves Toward Larger iPhone Screens - WSJ.com
iPhone 5 release imminent as 4 stock drops
iPhone 4S lands Pioneer Cellular
Apple Wins Dispute Over iPhone5.com
Verizon Just Made Things Worse
Verizon: You can have unlimited data... just no device subsidies
The iPhone App Your Boss May Be Using To Take Upskirt Photo
Etcher: Etch A Sketch for iPad - Kickstarter
Instacast pricing raises hackles
Apps Mentioned on this Episode:
Ask2Call - Cydia
SwipeSelection - Cydia