Tii - iTem 0314 - iOS 8 Beta 3 and the Devil Wears Ice Skates
Today in iOS - The Unofficial iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch Podcast - A podcast by Rob @ podCast411 and Part of the podcast411network

Tii - iTem 0314 - iOS 8 Beta 3 and the Devil Wears Ice Skates
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Links Mentioned in this Episode:
new tweaks added in iOS 8 beta 3
Apple Insider - Daniel Eran Dilgers Article
Crappy PoS Reuters Article by Christina Farr
Comments on Apple and NFB Resolution 2014-12
NFB says "Apple has done more for accessibility than any other company"
Reuters blows it. Apple PR springs into action.
Tim Cook receiving the IQLA Lifetime Achievement Award - YouTube
Q3 Earnings Announced for July 22nd
Apple and IBM Forge Global Partnership
Apple and IBM Forge Global Partnership to Transform Enterprise Mobility
Apple Announces Updates to iTunes U
Report claims iPhone 6 will feature advanced haptic feedback
iPhone 6 Sapphire Crystal Display! - YouTube
iPhone 6 Front Panel Ultimate Stress Test - YouTube
Apple's Next-Generation A8 Chip Said to Top 2 GHz
Apple reportedly places unprecedented order for iPhone 6 units
Apple hires exec from Swiss watch firm Tag Heuer
iPhone 6 struggles with production issues
iPhone 6 listed on Amazon Japan
iPhone 5c Outsold The Mighty Galaxy S5 In May
Apple beats Samsung as Galaxy fades
Samsung foresees Q3 profit drop
Impatient iPhone users switching to larger-screened Samsung Galaxy S5
Why is my iPhone 4s switching from 3G to 1x
Factory wipe' on Android phones left naked selfies
Apple's second secret eBay store launches
Apps Mentioned in this Episode:
Byte SMS - Cydia
AppTray - Cydia
Winterboard - Cydia
Flux - Cydia
MyWi - Cydia
Activator - Cydia