026: Riding The Roller Coaster Of Teen Personality Development
Today's Teenager - A podcast by Roy Petitfils, LPC

In this episode, Roy explores the sometimes confusing nature of teen personality development. Roy explains that the formative nature of a teenager's personality leads to rapid changes, some of which will seem alarming to adults. At the heart of a teenager's personality is an adaptive quality that is based on various situations and interactions with other people, which Roy says is normal for every teenager and is even something found in adult behavior. Roy also addresses the hesitance and fear that some adults fear in acknowledging some changes in teens. Roy strongly encourages adults to avoid condescension and patronizing teens and instead offering support through attentive presence and availability. To get Roy's newest ebook "Little Book of Questions that Really Get Teens Talking" go to todaysteenager.com and sign up or email Roy at [email protected]. Today's Teenager podcast is produced for educational and entertainment purposes only. It is not intended to nor should it be used as a replacement for professional counseling.