TONKOCAST: Acorns (2020), Bradley Furnish, Ryusuke Villemin, and Toshi Nakamura.
TONKOCAST - A podcast by Robert Kondo, Dice Tsustumi, Tonko House

One of our production team members, Kenneth Mallari interviewed three incredible storytellers, Bradley Furnish, Ryusuke Villemin, and Toshi Nakamura. They are the core team in creating our new Tonko House Original Series, Acorns. We have created a new Acorns YouTube Channel, Episodes are coming soon! So please subscribe! Acorns Creators: Written & Directed by Bradley Furnish Produced by Ryusuke Villemin Animation - Toshi Nakamura Based on the original idea by Robert Kondo The Acorns Project is the story of three small acorns on a journey to become great great oak trees. It has become the journey of our small studio to test the limits of what we can do as filmmakers and animators. We want to connect with our audience through these stories and inspire curiosity throughout the world. Everyone at some point goes through a life changing transition. The existence of these acorns are the perfect encapsulation of this: Small acorns spread far away with the power of nature, root down to the earth, and then transform into mighty trees many times their original size, and thus starts a new journey. What journey is waiting for the acorns?