Episode 6 Part 1 : Life at IIT Madras and the lessons I learned with Aroon Narayanan

TOS : The Other Side - A podcast by The Other Side


We're back with Episode 6!!!. Given that several of our episodes so far have had consultants, we thought we'd stay away from consulting for a bit. But this particular story was too intriguing to pass up on. Our guest today is Aroon Narayanan, a 2017 graduate from IIT Madras who joined McKinsey from campus. What makes him different however is his decision to leave McKinsey in less than a year and pursue a Masters in economics from the Indian Statistical Institute, Delhi. In Part 1 of this episode, Aroon majorly talks about his life at IITM, the mistakes he made along the way, and the lessons he learnt. Aroon is frightfully candid about his life experiences, about the inevitable existential crisis that every college student goes through and his journey of self-discovery. You can't miss out on this one!!!