6 Major Case Updates

Trace Evidence - A podcast by Steven Pacheco

In this special Update episode, we look back on six cases previously featured on Trace Evidence which have had major updates.  We begin with the case of Charles and Catherine Romer who disappeared more than forty years ago during a drive from Florida to New York.  In addition to new discoveries in that case, we'll look into new searches and developments in the disappearance of Asha Degree, the Murder of Justin Turner, the abduction and murder of Jessica Gutierrez, the disappearance of Branson Perry and the murder of Faith Hedgepeth.  If you would like to submit a question for the year end, 2024 Wrap-Up Q&A, you can submit them here through the 2024 Q&A FormThe full length episodes of each of these updates is available for listening as well:173 - The Vanishing of Charles & Catherine Romer011 - The Vanishing of Asha Degree170 - The Murder of Justin Turner Part 1171 - The Murder of Justin Turner Part 2097 - The Abduction of Jessica Gutierrez089 - The Vanishing of Branson Perry023 - The Murder of Faith HedgepethTrace Evidence LinkTree & Social MediaMusic Courtesy of: "Lost Time" & "Wounded" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/#truecrime #truecrimepodcast #realcrimes #disappearance #disappeared #missing #unsolved #unsolvedmysteries #evidence #investigation #missingperson #traceevidence #homicide #detective #coldcase #creepy #truecrimestory #truecrimestories #ashadegree #degree #dedmon #justinturner #victorturner #meganturner #monckscorner #romer #catherineromer #charlesromer #brunswick #sunshinestatesonar #jessicagutierrez #gutierrez #thomasmcdowell #bransonperry #skidmore #quitman #hedgepeth #faithhedgepeth #salgueroolivares #chapelhill Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/trace-evidence--3207798/support.