Day 19 - Track Awareness
Track Your Life with Boyd Varty - A podcast by Boyd Varty - Thursdays

One day before the halfway mark and I’m in a rage. In a clear blue sky a benign cloud floated over my camp and dumped everything it had on me. Everything was wet. Wet blankets, cloths, shoes which set in a whole process of drying and cleaning. The rage culminated on my run when a swarm of biting flies bit me and I exploded. I broke a branch off the tree and started to whip myself in a clearing. That is a powerful image metaphorically and in reality. After wandering for a while I found tracks of the incredibly rare ant bear. They are incredibly rare and I have never seen one in the area. There is an idea in tracking called track awareness. Without track awareness you could walk past that ant bear and have no idea that he is around. It’s a wonderful idea that there is information but you must tune yourself to see it. In my early twenties I started turning my track awareness to the tracks of my career. I started looking for other models. I was physically moved by David Rattray talking at an event. I was also moved by my mentor Martha make $20 000 sitting in her pajamas in her cupboard do a live event to hundreds of online participants. I was developing my track awareness for my career. I got a CD of the poet David Whyte. You could not study this in university but they came if you developed your track awareness and followed the callings inside of you. There are worlds are information in our worlds that we don’t even know about. As I was walking past the ant bear hole a miraculous thing happened. A honeyguide came and invited me on an adventure. The bird hovered near me chattering with intense excitement. I was deeply moved by the collaboration between man and nature. I stood alone really feeling it, my own ties to the hunter gatherers. Unfortunately it was late and I could not go with the bird. A few years into my career quest I met a different type of guide. Rodrigo was the strangest Venn diagram you could imagine. A storyteller, chemist, healer and shaman. His system involved creating ceremonial spaces where people could feel the past coming up and release their trauma. I apprenticed with him for 7 years following him around the USA. I couldn’t have planned that this was going to be my path but by paying attention this is where the tracks led me. I must attune, there is a path for me I cannot see yet. One of the easiest ways for you to develop track awareness is to come out of the mind and into the body. Notice people, images events, daydreams, clothes and anything that makes you feel expansive in your body. Let is show you what energies it. Notice what makes you feel constricted and low energy. See what track awareness if helps you develop. Your body is a wild animal it will show you your most essential self. Connect with Boyd Varty: Website | Instagram | Twitter | Find out more about Londolozi Website | Impact | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook |