Jan 26, 2023. Gospel Matthew 10:26-32. St Polycarp.
Traditional Latin Mass Gospel Readings - A podcast by Ken Hagen

[26]Therefore fear them not. For nothing is covered that shall not be revealed: nor hid, that shall not be known. Ne ergo timueritis eos. Nihil enim est opertum, quod non revelabitur : et occultum, quod non scietur. [27] That which I tell you in the dark, speak ye in the light: and that which you hear in the ear, preach ye upon the housetops. Quod dico vobis in tenebris, dicite in lumine : et quod in aure auditis, praedicate super tecta. [28] And fear ye not them that kill the body, and are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him that can destroy both soul and body in hell. Et nolite timere eos qui occidunt corpus, animam autem non possunt occidere : sed potius timete eum, qui potest et animam et corpus perdere in gehennam. [29] Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and not one of them shall fall on the ground without your Father. Nonne duo passeres asse veneunt? et unus ex illis non cadet super terram sine Patre vestro. [30] But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Vestri autem capilli capitis omnes numerati sunt. [31] Fear not therefore: better are you than many sparrows. Nolite ergo timere : multis passeribus meliores estis vos. [32] Every one therefore that shall confess me before men, I will also confess him before my Father who is in heaven. Omnis ergo qui confitebitur me coram hominibus, confitebor et ego eum coram Patre meo, qui in caelis est. Music: Libera me.