How to work less and make more w/ James Schramko

Training Business - A podcast by Mark Garrett Hayes - Thursdays


James Schramko is the business coach to many coaching business owners. People who have built their own courses and 8-figure online businesses trust James to help build their expert brand. But building your own consultancy or expert brand is not about finding ways to spend more time in your business. It’s quite the opposite. James helps people primarily to make time away from their businessso they can maximise quality of life. James says that ’it’s all about figuring out your 64: 4.” “80% of your results come from 20% of your efforts. But 64% ( almost 2/3) of what we achieve comes from a mere 4%.”   So what is that 4% for you? How does outsourcing make it possible? What happens to your life when you succeed?   Listen to James Schramko today. Subscribe to the TrainingBusiness podcast today!