A Cheeky Coup with the Lads (feat. Joe Kassabian)



This week, we’re covering a particularly English psychosis: the upper class failson who decides to foment a coup in a central African country. Okay, maybe this type of failson is uniquely confined to the Thatcher family. That’s right, Maggie’s son Mark tried to take over Equatorial Guinea in 2004 with the help of a dead-eyed SAS madman and a South African mercenary named something like Jeep vander Honk. We brought on Joe Kassabian (@jkass99), host of the Lions Led by Donkeys podcast, to discuss this with Riley (@raaleh), Milo (@Milo_Edwards), Nate (@inthesedeserts), and Alice (@AliceAvizandum).    Part 2 of this is on Patreon, so if you want to hear it, you can sign up here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/40320474   Here's a central location to donate to bail funds across the US to help people held under America's utterly inhumane system: https://secure.givelively.org/donate/the-bail-project   If you want one of our *fine* new shirts, designed by Matt Lubchansky, then e-mail trashfuturepodcast [at] gmail [dot] com. £15 for patrons, £20 for non-patrons, plus shipping.   *WEB DESIGN ALERT* Tom Allen is a friend of the show (and the designer behind GYDS dot com). If you need web design help, reach out to him here:  https://www.tomallen.media/   Riley (@raaleh), Milo (@Milo_Edwards), Hussein (@HKesvani), Nate (@inthesedeserts), and Alice (@AliceAvizandum)