Against Calculator Santa feat. James Meadway



It’s a bit of a smart episode (a dangerous idea). Riley (@raaleh), Milo (@Milo_Edwards), and Nate (@inthesedeserts) speak with economist and returning guest James Meadway (@meadwaj) about the logic of socialist government in Britain versus the logic of Blairite neoliberalism. Did you know there’s a Cornish fishing village trying to crowdfund getting a GP? Did you know that Phillip Hammond denies that people in Britain live in poverty? We discuss all of this and more. If you like this show, sign up to the Patreon and get a second free episode each week! You’ll also get access to our Discord server, where good opinions abound. *LIVE SHOW ALERT* On June 15, we’ll perform at Wolfson College Bar (Wolfson College, Cambridge CB3 9BB) in Cambridge. The show starts at 8:30 pm, so be there and be ready to hear about Gundams. Tickets are £8 for students and £10 for general admission: *COMEDY KLAXON*: Come to Milo’s regular comedy night on June 13 at The Sekforde (34 Sekforde Street London EC1R 0HA), This show also starts at 8 pm and features Milo himself and Ben Pope, with previews of their Edinburgh shows. Tickets are £5—sign up here: If you want to buy one of our recent special-edition phone-cops shirt, shoot us an email at trashfuturepodcast[at]gmail[dot]com and we can post it to you. (£20 for non-patrons, £15 for patrons) Do you want a mug to hold your soup? Perhaps you want one with the Trashfuture logo, which is available here: