Dr Sked's Monster: A Brief History of the Rise and Fall of UKIP (QAnon Anonymous Crossover)



  It's another crossover! Our friends Jake, Travis, and Julian from Q-Anon Anonymous called in to talk about the strange history of the Euroskeptic movement, and why they seem to generate so many bizarre local news headlines. It's a story of how when your organisation gets everything it wished for, it implodes in a fit of unforced errors, bizarre recriminations, and accusations that everyone else in the party is the REAL racists.   If you want one of our *fine* new shirts, designed by Matt Lubchansky, then e-mail trashfuturepodcast [at] gmail [dot] com. £15 for patrons, £20 for non-patrons, plus shipping.   *WEB DESIGN ALERT* Tom Allen is a friend of the show (and the designer behind GYDS dot com). If you need web design help, reach out to him here:  https://www.tomallen.media/