*Preview* Charles and the Bed-Van feat. Ned Donovan



Elon Musk gifted us analytics like Prometheus gifting fire, and as such we've determined that about 40 percent of our audience is American. So, Americans (and others) -- do you want to know about the British royal family? Well, now you can, in detail, as Riley (@raaleh), Milo (@Milo_Edwards), Hussein (@HKesvani),  and Ned Donovan (@Ned_Donovan) discuss the history of Britain's terrible ruling family. This is a good episode to listen to while your valet is relocating your bed to your friends' house. If you want to listen to the full version of this bonus episode, sign up to our Patreon at $5 a month and hear more: https://www.patreon.com/posts/charles-and-bed-22634153 Don’t forget that you can commodify your dissent with a t-shirt from http://www.lilcomrade.com/. Get whichever slogan you want, but get the damn shirts!