*PREVIEW* Don’t Mess With a Forklift Driver Born in July Who is Terminating a Pregnancy feat. Shoshanna Wodinsky



Gizmodo’s Shoshana Wodinsky joins the gang to discuss how the digital surveillance panopticon created to sell, among other things, AI generated t shirts, is also now a crucial tool in the states arsenal to prevent people from accessing abortions. Get the whole episode on Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/69051743 If you’re looking for a UK strike fund to donate to, here’s one we’ve supported: https://www.rmt.org.uk/about/national-dispute-fund/ *MILO ALERT* Here are links to see Milo’s upcoming standup shows: https://www.miloedwards.co.uk/live-shows *WEB DESIGN ALERT* Tom Allen is a friend of the show (and the designer behind our website). If you need web design help, reach out to him here:  https://www.tomallen.media/ Trashfuture are: Riley (@raaleh), Milo (@Milo_Edwards), Hussein (@HKesvani), Nate (@inthesedeserts), and Alice (@AliceAvizandum)