*Preview* Riley's Commie Book Club - For a Left Populism



Please enjoy a preview of this week's bonus: Riley's Commie Book Club, reviewing Chantal Mouffe's "For a Left Populism. Why are we constantly told that the status quo — i.e. neoliberal market economics  — is the natural order? Why does the centre hate socialism more than fascism? Why is it a bad thing that socialism might leave the absolute wealthiest on the planet worse off than they are in our current gilded age? And why do they want to live in orbiting space stations? Listen to this episode to answer all these questions, and more. For the full episode, sign up to the Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/22206760 Also remember that your dissent isn't real unless it's commodified with a shirt from Lil' Comrade: https://www.lilcomrade.com/