TRASHCINEMA - The Emoji Movie (ft. Lulu Popplewell and Alex Kealy)



EDINBURGH EPISODE NUMBER TWO No Charlie (@cfppalmer) this week, so Riley (@raaleh) and Milo (@milo_edwards) kidnapped our friends Alex Kealy (@alexkealy) and Lulu Popplewell (@lulu_popplewell) and rolled into the Edinburgh cinema at 11 AM one fine August morning and literally BROKE OUR CEREBELLUMS watching this gossamer web of dreams unfold into the body horror phantasmagoria that is... THE EMOJI MOVIE. The Emoji Movie is basically the tape from the ring, but the ghost girl comes out of the screen immediately and instead of killing you, she just lobotomises you. I've bought three timeshares since making this recording. Fuck you all for making me do this in theory. You can check out Alex's show, the Art of the Keal, in Edinburgh at Just the Tonic at the caves, every day at 4:20 (nice). Lulu's show, Chumbags, every day at 5:45 in Southsider. You could probably sell them both reverse mortgages now.