Trashfuture vs. The 8th Amendment



This is a slightly more condensed episode in which the TF crew discusses an idiotic Sunday Times piece about 'hipster fascists,' but more importantly it's an episode centred on the campaign in Ireland to repeal the 8th Amendment. Riley (@raaleh), Milo (@Milo_Edwards), and Hussein (@HKesvani) speak with journalist Sirin Kale (@thedalstonyears) about Irish abortion laws, the impending referendum, and whether or not the uniforms of the royal wedding were inspired by Steven Seagal. If you're in Ireland and can vote, make sure to do so — unless you're going to vote incorrectly, in which case you should bin yourself immediately. Please remember that, in these trying and dark times, you can always commodify your dissent with a t-shirt from Lil' Comrade ( Please help us support a fellow socialist's small business! We'll pause for a minute as a thousand buttery dads emerge to say, 'Ah, but aren't you participating in capitalism by exchanging goods for currency?' Nate (@inthesedeserts) produced this from a British politics exclave in sunny Brooklyn, New York, where everyone is in fact walkin' here.