Wrong Heads of State: Hats, Youtube, Russians (ft. Jack Frayne-Reid)



It's a TRASHFUTURE/Reel Politik mash up bonus weekend episode, as Jack Frayne-Reid (@coplandresident) calls up Riley (@raaleh), Hussein (@HKesvani) on Skype to chat bollocks about music, discuss the implications of James Bridle's great Medium post on Youtube Kids weirdness, and intelligence analyst Eric Garland's disturbing new revelations about Russia in the context of the recent wave of crime and corruption in elite circles. An incredibly hung over Milo Edwards (@milo_edwards) hops on the call later on and stays as long as he can hold his head upright. Reel Politik (@reel_politcast) is a great podcast we all listen to regularly here on the TRASHFUTURE, and if you're not listening then you're a goofy. While you're at it, follow us on twitter (@trashfuturepod). We recorded this episode entirely on Skype, and something is a little tinny with Riley's audio (soz!) James Bridle's post is here, and worth a read if you haven't already: https://medium.com/@jamesbridle/something-is-wrong-on-the-internet-c39c471271d2