Lessons in Couchsurfing

The Expat Chat - A podcast by Tony Argyle


If hitchhiking through Iran, joining the Arab spring or camping (accidentally) in a minefield in Bosnia sounds like your idea of fun then you’re going to love today’s episode. Growing up as a West German living in East Germany was a strange experience for Josh Cahill. The wall had fallen but much of East Germany was still stark and oppressed. He felt like the odd one out and developed a desire to explore the world and discover the realty of things for himself. The 29 year old has been on the road now for 7 years exploring many exciting places along the way – in fact he often makes a point of seeing the places that the media will often tell you not to go to (Kabul, Afghanistan anyone?) and his experiences have always been enjoyable. We caught up with Josh in China where he is currently teaching English and he shared his experiences of life there (including how to get around the internet restrictions) , how couchsurfing works for him, and much of the wonderful journeys he has had so far. His website http://www.gotravelyourway.com details much of his journey. What I learned from talking to Josh: Going to China doesn’t have to be a problem if you’re a digital nomad. Josh gets around Facebook and other restrictions by using a VPN server to cover his location and whereabouts. Again Iran gets a mention. This is the third time now (after Uncornered Market and The Crowded Planet) we have had travelers tell us how much they have enjoyed the experience of visiting there. Access is getting easier with visas now being available upon entry and even Americans and Canadians can find it relatively easy to gain access. It sounds well worth a visit. Josh is a couchsurfing master having done it almost since the concept was created. He talks about building up your credibility and the benefits that couchsurfing meeting groups can bring when you’re new to a town, not only in finding accommodation but discovering the things to see and do.