32. Sweden: Saunas & Stockholm Syndrome
Travel with a Chance of Murder - A podcast by Travel with a Chance of Murder

The party has just begun! This week we head all over the beautiful (and very cold) country of Sweden to explore theme parks, saunas, and old ships. During our tour, our dynamic duo creates the first rule of the podcast: see a castle, visit the castle. After our journey through the country and the life-changing experience of the Northern Lights, Cassidy takes us through the origins of the term Stockholm Syndrome and the terrifying bank robbery where hostages were held captive for 6 days. Ally's recommendations: Lilla Torg Malmö Castle Ribersborg Kallbadhus Swedish Ship Götheborg GRÖNA Lund Gamla Stan Archipelago Tour Stockholm’s Subway Art See the Northern Lights! Cassidy's sources: History.com Business Insider All That's Interesting Smithsonian Mag Time.com