Travelman Podcast - A podcast by Ben Downes

Welcome to the Travelman Podcast! I’m your host Ben, and if you’re joining me for the first time then I say hello and thank you, and if you’re a returning listener then I say thanks for listening!
On today’s awesome episode, I’ll be chatting to Chris Torres who runs the company Tourism Marketing Agency, he’s an expert in travel marketing and is well versed on the current Covid-19 situation, which has ravaged the world’s tourism industry.
I had a great chat with Chris, not only about how the tourism industry is coping, but how we will hopefully get through it and be travelling again soon. At the end of the podcast he recalled a really sweet story about his time in Japan, so be sure to listen to the end!
Also, just letting you know that the information we were talking about re Covid-19 was current as of May 11th. A heap has changed since I spoke to Chris.
So, sit back and enjoy the podcast!
Follow Chris:
Tourism Marketing Agency website: tourismmarketing.agency
Chris’ email: [email protected]
Digital Tourism Show on YouTube: youtube.com/c/digitourshow
The Digital Tourism Show Podcast: audioboom.com/channels/4990262
Digital Tourism Show on Facebook Group: facebook.com/groups/digitaltourismshow/
Digital Tourism Show Facebook Page: facebook.com/tourismmarketingagency/
Chris on Linkedin: linkedin.com/in/torreschris/
TMA on Twitter: @ttm_agency
TMA on Instagram: instagram.com/tourismmarketingagency/
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Travelman Podcast email: [email protected]