012: Understanding your relationship with money and investing with conviction

Trawling for Ten Baggers - A podcast by Sam and Joel


In this episode we talk with Ivan Tanner who is a private investor predominately in small cap ASX companies. Ivan takes a high conviction approach building a substantial stake in a company once he has done his requisite diligence and research.We talk about the psychology of money, understanding what your own unique approach is, advantages of running a small account balance and some of his techniques to asses company management teams.The books Ivan mentions in the show are:https://www.amazon.com.au/Beating-Street-Peter-Lynch-ebook/dp/B00768D664https://www.amazon.com/Encyclopedia-Chart-Patterns-Thomas-Bulkowski/dp/0471668265https://www.amazon.com/Japanese-Candlestick-Charting-Techniques-Contemporary-ebook/dp/B00CS74GBMhttps://www.amazon.com/Happy-Money-Japanese-Making-Peace/dp/1501188372https://www.amazon.com/Art-Execution-worlds-investors-millions/dp/085719495Xhttps://www.amazon.com/Principles-Life-Work-Ray-Dalio/dp/1501124021