A Playful Cure for Scary Monsters and Anxieties
Treasure Time Podcast: Growing Up Happy - A podcast by Sophia Giblin

In this episode of the podcast, host Sophia discusses using play to help children deal with fears, worries, and anxiety. As a play therapist, she believes play is the natural way for children to process emotions and the world around them. The most important thing is the relationship created through play—sitting with your child, being present without devices, and giving them 'attachment sunshine' through predictable, calm interactions. Sophia shares an example of a friend's 3 year old son who is having trouble sleeping due to fears and worries after some changes and instability. Rather than labeling the child as anxious, she says these are normal developmental fears fueled by an active imagination that is growing faster than reasoning skills. She cautions against confirming fears by using "monster spray" or signs warding off monsters. Instead, speak plainly about what's real versus imagination, but approach feelings through play. For example, puppets allow symbolic play for the child to safely express fears. Sophia suggests getting a dinosaur puppet to represent the child's fear, then a wizard puppet as a protective, magical force. Additional puppets could be a young boy puppet for the child to identify with and a grandmother puppet representing a real caring protector. This allows the child to play out scenarios and defeat the "monster." In addition to the puppet play, reading The Invisible String before bed reminds children of their unbreakable connections. Leaving a special toy or transitional object provides comfort and a reminder of the parent. Managing media exposure is also key in addressing fears and anxiety. The goal is allowing children to freely explore feelings through natural play, while parents observe, support and set appropriate limits. This builds resilience, security and the ability to self-regulate in the long run. If you want to learn more about using play to build stronger connections with your child, check out Treasure Time. This innovative digital play course for parents teaches emotional development through child-led play. Discover fun techniques to reduce stress, improve communication, and nurture a happy, healthy family dynamic. Use code PODCAST for an extra 10% off.