Helping parents “quit the chaos” through mindfulness Ep 12
Treasure Time Podcast: Growing Up Happy - A podcast by Sophia Giblin

Treasure Time Podcast: Growing Up Happy
Title: Helping parents “quit the chaos” through mindfulness
Episode 12
About our hosts:
A creative entrepreneur who focuses on ways to tackle the root of children's mental health through play and secure relationships. Due to her own challenging experiences in childhood, Sophia went on to establish a thriving Play & Creative Arts Therapy charity to support other children who have experienced trauma. Her focus is on helping therapists, businesses and charities have more of an impact for children and families that they work with through coaching, strategy, fundraising and mentoring.
Nicole is a mum to two young boys, who also has over 20 years of brand marketing experience. She is a previous Chair Trustee at Clear Sky Charity and has past experience on the Ella’s Kitchen board. Her roles have included Marketing Director, Head of Ella’s-ness, Global Brand Director with responsibility of creating and building one brand inside and out – including the wellbeing and culture of the team. Nicole was instrumental in growing Ella’s into a multi-million pound international business, driven by the mission of creating healthy children.
About Treasure Time
Our vision is to drive connected, happy parent-child relationships, for the benefit of the whole family. Our mission and passion is to educate parents in how to become happy, mindful and confident in connecting with their own children through play.
About our guest
Nikki Wilson
Nikki is the founder of 10 of zen - a new social business providing mindfulness tools and training to help mums to stress less and love more. Nikki focuses on soundbite sessions lasting 10 minutes or less, covering hots topics like how to slow down and manage big emotions. I run a zen squad, train professionals working with women and deliver regular workshops UK-wide. Did you know that Nikki is also leading the growth of Make Birth Better - a unique collective of parents and professionals dedicated to ending suffering from birth trauma, who focus on campaigning, education and research.
Treasure Time website
Treasure Time digital course for parents -
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10 of Zen website
Free meditation tools from 10 of Zen
Value bombs and tweetables:
- The way I like to describe mindfulness is that mindfulness is the art or the practice of becoming more aware of our present moment experience and learning to welcome what we find with a kind and open heart - Nikki
- What I thought was super fascinating when I was doing my master's research was that parenting mindfulness can break that transmission of trauma and insecure attachments. So the studies show that parents who practice mindfulness and presence can give, give it to them that sense of security, which impact down the generations which is so incredible - Sophia
- It was during those treasure time play sessions that I recognized that I didn't ever give myself time to just be – Nicole
- I started to build in 10 minutes meditation a day... And it's exactly what you were saying Nikki it’s the one thing that seems to be perfect in the toolkit, it just resets me and something just works – Nicole
- So the only way to create lasting change in healthy habits is to start really, really small. So I'm talking about rather than saying I'm going to meditate every day for the next 20 days, start with setting an intention to take three deep breaths when you wake up in the morning so ideally piggybacking something, so maybe my commitment is going to be to savour the flavour of my cup of coffee every day. My commitment is going to be to walk a bit more slowly between the moment or I get off the train into my office. To start with small realistic take that piggyback on something they are already doing. That is the best quick fire way to put a mark in the ground around a behavioural habit - Nikki
- We're always saying, “Let your child be your play teacher”. So now we can let our children be our mindfulness teachers, too. We can learn so much from them - Sophia
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