The War against Ukrainian Journalists: two years on

Trouble with the Truth - A podcast by Lana Estemirova

Russia’s illegal and brutal war against Ukraine has entered its third year. For two years, Ukrainian journalists have tirelessly covered the full-scale invasion while taking cover in bomb shelters and arranging the evacuation of their loved ones. Not only have they uncovered the horrific massacres of Bucha and Irpin and documented the siege of Mariupol but also held their own government to the account. In this new episode of Trouble with the Truth, Lana speaks to the editor-in-chief of Zaborona media and the co-founder of 2402 foundation Kateryna Serhatskova. How did Ukraninan journalists adapt to this new, dangerous environment? Why are discussions on mental health and burnout as important as ever? Why is it still crucial for journalists to investigate corruption and cronyism even in times of war? What is the 2402 foundation and how is helping media workers in Ukraine and beyond? What can we do to keep supporting Ukrainian journalists today? Find out all of this and more in this episode of Trouble with the Truth.  If you’d like to support Ukrainian media workers please donate at