Episode 058 : Alma Kartano
True Crime Finland - A podcast by Minna
In the 1920’s, two women started a religious sect, believing that the end of the world was in sight. Gaston Luga: *for a limited Black Friday deal get 25% off and a free travel bag!* If you missed this deal, you can still get 15% off any purchase by using the offer code TRUECRIME at checkout at https://gastonluga.com/ Podcast promo for this week: Assassinations Podcast If you are able to and would like to help me with the costs of this podcast, you can do that on Patreon where you can donate as little as two dollars a month and in return, get exclusive access to ad-free episodes, scripts, bonus episodes on various topics and other nice rewards. Visit the page at https://www.patreon.com/truecrimefinland Art is by Mark Pernia Music is "Night" by VVSMUSIC My art store: https://society6.com/minnanen Podcast swag store: https://www.redbubble.com/people/tc-finland/shop?asc=u Email: [email protected] Website: https://truecrimefinland.squarespace.com Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/507039419636994/ Twitter & Instagram: tc_finland Sources: Appelsin, Ulla. 2010. Lapsuus lahkon vankina. Leevi K. Laitisen tarina. Miettinen, Terho & Pelli, Raija. 2017. Harhaanjohtajat – vahvassa uskossa p. 17-21 Sopanen, Matleena. 2014. Lopunajan valitut – koheesion rakentuminen kartanolaisuudessa. Tampereen yliopisto. https://trepo.tuni.fi/bitstream/handle/10024/95175/GRADU_1397116498b.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y Kansallisbiografia / Ilpo Pursiainen: Kartano, Alma (1885 - 1953) https://kansallisbiografia.fi/kansallisbiografia/henkilo/5682 Yle Elävä Arkisto / Ben Furman 1.9.2005: Saara Beckmanin lapsuus kartanolaisuudessa https://areena.yle.fi/1-50196465 Yle Elävä Arkisto / Voimala: Elämä lahkon vankina 3.2.2010: Saaran veli Leevi Laitinen kertoo lapsuudestaan https://yle.fi/aihe/artikkeli/2010/02/04/elama-lahkon-vankina Yle 1.7.2016: 4-vuotias poika joutui julman uskonlahkon kasvatettavaksi – "Se oli painajainen, jonka odotin vain päättyvän" https://yle.fi/uutiset/3-8994726