Episode 2: Worker Struggles (Part1) - When Migrant Women Rise, We All Rise
True Currency: About Feminist Economics - A podcast by The Alternative School of Economics & Gasworks

The first of two episodes which consider the different forms of waged work women do, 'When Migrant Women Rise, We All Rise' looks at the multiple layers of discrimination and exploitation affecting women in ‘feminised’ industries. Ruth and Amy visit the Women’s Strike in central London, and speak to workers and activists fighting for better working conditions and rights for migrant women at work. True Currency: About Feminist Economics is a 6 part podcast by The Alternative School of Economics (artists Ruth Beale and Amy Feneck) who draw on their experiences as artists and mothers, and speak to academic researchers, policy experts, community leaders and activists, to explore financial inequality, feminism, intersectionality, labour exploitation, unpaid work, care, unionisation and reproductive labour. PRESENTED BY: Ruth Beale and Amy Feneck (The Alternative School of Economics) PRODUCED BY: Lucia Scazzocchio (Social Broadcasts) COMMISSIONED BY: Gasworks SUPPORTED BY: The Paul Hamlyn Foundation and Arts Council England. VOICES IN THIS EPISODE: Adabeybi Candelo & Carmenza Sierra Lopez, members of AMPLA (Association of Latin-American parents) Flor Andrade Valencia & Jaquelin Saldaña, members of United Voices of the World Lucila Granada, CEO of FLEX (Focus on Labour Exploitation) Jeannine Moros-Noujaim, Project Manager, IRMO (Indo American Refugee and Migrant Organisation) Mozzaika, Artist Shiri Shalmy, Organiser with Cooperation Town, Antiuniversity Now, United Sex Workers and the Women’s Strike Assembly Andrea Francke, Artist Full speaker biographies and project information available here: https://bit.ly/tc-episode2