David Fantle And Tom Johnson Join Me To Talk About Their Book C'mon Get Happy.Lots Of Great Behind The Scenes Scoop From The Musical Summer Stock
True Stories Of Tinseltown - A podcast by Grace Collins

In this episode we chat about their latest book C'mon Get Happy, The Making of Summer Stock We discuss the unexpected hurdles, notable musical performances, and enthusiastic viewer reactions the film generated. They also shed light on Judy Garlands personal struggles and her professional relationship with co-star Gene Kelly. There are so many wonderful tidbits. We get a glimpse into the classic Hollywood system, drawing attention to the memorable performances of the supporting cast and the film's significant impact decades after it was initially released. Thanks so much to David and Tom. They are sweller then swell. Mostly Thanks to you all that listen. You are the best!! Grace xo You can get the book anywhere books are sold. https://www.amazon.com/stores/David-Fantle/author/B001K7UKCA?ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true You can listen anywhere podcasts are played.. PS Sorry for the scratchiness on Davids connection.