Eve Golden Joins Me To Talk About Her New Book Strictly Dynamite:The Sensational Life Of Lupe Velez
True Stories Of Tinseltown - A podcast by Grace Collins

I fell in love with Eve at first chat. She is fun and boy does she know classic Hollywood. We talk about her fab new book and all about Lupe. Forgive if I say Lup AAAAA if its Lup EEEEE. You say tomato I say tomahhtoo (actually I say tomato). Eve has written a bunch of old Hollywood bios. You can check out Lupe, and others on Eve's amazon page. https://www.amazon.com/stores/Eve-Golden/author/B000APSXOA?ref=ap_rdr&store_ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true You can listen wherever podcasts are played iTunes/truestoriesoftinseltown Thanks so much to Eve and all my listeners Grace Facebook.com/truestoriesoftinseltown instagram, YouTube , pinterest.