Ashlen Hilliard - The Evolution of Cult Intervention Practices
Trust Me: Cults, Extreme Belief, and Manipulation - A podcast by PodcastOne - Wednesdays

Cult interventionist and founder of People Leave Cults, Ashlen Hilliard, talks about her path to working in cult intervention and recovery, her personal religious experience that led her to this work, how interactions with Mormons in Utah affected her worldview, how she defines what a cult is, why accusing a group of being a cult isn't always helpful, how cult intervention today is different from how it was in the 70s, how it used to involved kidnapping and unethical practices, how her model takes a harm reduction approach, and when cult intervention practices can become culty themselves! We have deals for you!! Shopify: Upgrade your business (Or start one in the new year)! Sign up for your one-dollar-per-month trial period at ZocDoc: Stop putting off your doctors appointments! Go to to find and instantly book a top-rated doctor today! BUY OUR MERCH!! Got your own story about cults, extreme belief, or abuse of power? Leave a voicemail or text us at 347-86-TRUST (347-868-7878) OR shoot us an email at [email protected] INSTAGRAM: @TrustMePodcast @oohlalola @meaganelizabeth11 TWITTER: @TrustMeCultPod @ohlalola @baberahamhicks TIKTOK: @TrustMeCultPodcast