The Psychology of Venus & Pluto in Astrology
Trust Psyche Podcast | Archetypal Astrology & Depth Psychology - A podcast by Jessica DiRuzza

When the two planets of Venus and Pluto make any major aspect in the natal chart, we can gain an intimate understanding of how Venus-Pluto natives psychologically relate to other people. By understanding the light and shadow expression of this planetary pair, we become familiar with the archetypal narrative or mythology of how a person is working with and through this energy in their life. Soul-making is that potent and magical intersection of combining the universal meaning of a planetary aspect with the unique soul expression of a human being embodying the particularities of their life’s journey. Like the yin-yang symbol, the light and shadow are both interrelated and dependent on one another for their existence, as seen in the transformative journey or story of the dance between any two archetypal qualities, in this case, Venus and Pluto. Each planetary pair is a living archetypal story, and once we know that story, we can understand where we have come from and glean insight into where we are going.