Clinical Nutrition with Perpetual Health Co, J Gulinello NTP, FNS, CPT

The Colitis Coach - A podcast by Nicole Carter

J found his way to health and nutrition through some unlikely channels. He has a degree from Berklee in Music Production & Engineering but always had a love of sports in his background. He became an ISSA Certified Personal Trainer with a specialty in Fitness Nutrition and developed an obsession with longevity and optimal health. Always willing to challenge even his own beliefs in favor of an evidence based approach, he started down the rabbit hole that is nutrition. Reading dozens of book, attending conferences, partnering with MDs, PhDs and engineers alike he found that not only was his approach to nutrition founded on incomplete science but that the standard approach to nutrition veered off course decades ago. His passion led him to the Nutritional Therapy Association where he graduated as a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner. At NTA they take a bio individual approach to nutrition that goes far beyond recommending macronutrient ratios. As a nutritional therapy practitioner J has found a way to examine the impact of far more than just food. With a focus on digestion, fatty acids, hydration, minerals and blood sugar, the approach is complete and considers all systems of the body and how they work synergistically. He is now finishing a master’s program in clinical human nutrition and is currently working with doctors and nurses at a hospital in New York City on how to improve nutrition, sleep, stress management and a host of other lifestyle interventions centered on human performance and longevity. His independent research focuses on nutrition seen through an evolutionary/ancestral lens. He also still finds time to climb mountains, run races and challenge himself physically at every turn. His evolving knowledge of nutrition as not only fuel for the body but also as a therapeutic tool allows him to help others perform and live optimally. Find J on Instagram at @Perpetualhealthco