4.23 - Don't Sideload This Podcast
Security Noise - A podcast by TrustedSec - Fridays
Welcome to the Trusted Security Podcast – a podcast dedicated to bringing the latest news on information security and the industry. This episode features the following members: Geoff Walton, Justin Bollinger, Melvin Langvik, and Edwin David. Announcements Join the TrustedSec Discord Community TrustedSec is on Discord! Join our server to interact with the security community and the TrustedSec team. Go to discord.gg/trustedsec to join. Stories Title: Microsoft to Kill OneDrive for Windows 7, 8, 8.1 in Early 2022 URL: https://www.thurrott.com/cloud/microsoft-consumer-services/onedrive/259004/microsoft-to-kill-onedrive-for-windows-7-8-8-1-in-early-2022 Author: Paul Thurrott Title: Tim Cook: Users Who Want to Sideload Apps Can Use Android, While the iPhone Experience Maximizes 'Security and Privacy' URL: https://www.macrumors.com/2021/11/09/tim-cook-users-sideloading-use-an-android/ Author: Sami Fathi Title: Complexity is killing software developers URL: https://www.infoworld.com/article/3639050/complexity-is-killing-software-developers.html Author: Scott Carey