Knight Rider: A Show About a Character That Happened to Be a Car

TV Confidential with Ed Robertson - A podcast by ed robertson


TVC 670.1: Ed welcomes Nick Nugent, author of The Knight Rider Companion: Abridged Edition, everything you wanted to know about the classic TV series starring David Hasselhoff, Edward Mulhare, and the voice of William Daniels. Topics this segment include how series creator Glen Larson’s original concept for Knight Rider was much different from what we eventually saw portrayed in the NBC series; why Knight Rider was essentially about a show about a character—a character that just happened to be a car; and why the original mythology of Knight Rider continues to resonate with millions of fans today.The Knight Rider Companion Abridged Edition is available from Black Pawn Press and includes new and updated interviews with series creator Glen Larson, series stars David Hasselhoff, William Daniels, and Rebecca Holden, and many other key personnel; an updated Hall of Fame Autograph Guide, Vehicle States Guide, Knight Rider Fonts Guide, Knight Rider Logos Guide, Knight Equipment Guide, and a complete series episode guide; several pages of one-of-a-kind artwork created exclusively for the abridged edition.