Robert Crane, author of My UnHollywood Family

TV Confidential with Ed Robertson - A podcast by ed robertson


TVC 666.4: Ed welcomes back Robert Crane, eldest son of Hogan’s Heroes star Bob Crane, and an accomplished screenwriter, journalist, and author in his own right. Bob’s latest book, My UnHollywood Family, provides a fresh look at his relationship with his famous dad—mostly told from the perspective of his mother’s side of the family—and the lifelong impact that his dad continues to have on him, his mom, and his siblings. It is also a story that will resonate with anyone who has survived a broken marriage, grown up in a dysfunctional household, navigated relationships with step parents, or dealt with narcissistic personalities at home or at work. Topics this segment include how the death of Bob’s stepfather, Charles Sloan, spurred him to write this book, and the pivotal conversation that Chuck had with Bob’s dad in June 1978, less than two weeks before Bob Crane was murdered. My UnHollywood Family is available now through Oregon Greystone Press.