Rod Serling: The Leonardo da Vinci of Television
TV Confidential with Ed Robertson - A podcast by ed robertson

TVC 680.6: Anne Serling and Jodi Serling, the daughters of Rod Serling, and Marc Scott Zicree, author of The Twilight Zone Companion, talk to Ed about how Rod Serling was not only the first modern-day show runner, in that he was a writer who also served as his own producer, but also the “Leonardo da Vinci of television,” in that he represented the pinnacle of what the medium can do. Other topics this segment include thoughts on such notable Twilight Zone episodes as “Eye of the Beholder,” “Walking Distance,” and “On Thursday We Leave for Home.” Both The Twilight Zone Companion and Anne’s book, As I Knew Him: My Dad, Rod Serling, are available wherever books are sold.