Divine Feminine and the Fear of Abandonment
Twin Flame Transformation - A podcast by Michele Lynch
Episode 60 - On this episode, Michele talks about the Divine Feminine and the fear of abandonment. The Divine Feminine is for all genders and no matter how you identify. "Although we all carry both feminine and masculine energies within us - quite often with Twin Flames - there’s one Twin Flame that has more of the Divine Feminine essence at their core and one that has more of the Divine Masculine essence within them. These two polarities are aiming for balance within themselves so they can re-unite in wholeness with each other. In this place of balance - is the feeling of unity and divine alignment that we're all ultimately aiming for. For most of the Divine Feminines out there - chances are good that you carry the fear of abandonment within you. I know for me - It was probably my most dominant fear and one that needed the most healing. The Divine Feminine is an essence of creativity, intuition, receptivity, playfulness, and expressiveness. This essence is confident, nurturing, heart centered and loving. There’s an element of freedom in this essence as well as an energy of flow with life and with the emotions. This essence is deeply connected to Mother Earth energy. And most of all the Divine Feminine is fully embodied—which means fully connected in mind, body and soul. Those qualities are what we're all aiming for and already have within us. They may just not be activated or perhaps they’ve become buried or we’ve forgotten how to connect with them. They're often covered up by the wounded feminine qualities. The qualities of the wounded feminine look like insecurity, jealousy, controlling behaviors, impatience, judgments, feeling unsafe, feeling unworthy and feeling needy. The wounded feminine energy is disembodied and fearful. Now it’s also important to note that the wounded feminine qualities are all learned behaviors. We learn these from our families, our society, our conditioning, our belief systems, and these have also been carried in the collective unconscious for quite some time. Just turn on any blockbuster movie and these qualities are the core of the movie’s emotional landscape. Now as Twin Flames - the wounded feminine qualities tend to be exaggerated and our beloved Twin Flame - usually triggers these within us. They trigger us and we experience these wounds so that we can heal them. And in doing so we heal them for generations behind us and in front of us. As we heal - we not only heal our families, but we also heal our societies and the collective. This also helps pull our Twin Flame out of their wounded feminine and into their Divine Masculine. Tune into this episode to learn more about how we can heal our fear of abandonment. Thanks for listening and for your support!" Website: MicheleLynchHealing.com Articles: mlynchnyny.medium.com Instagram: @puttingdreamsonyourfeet Listener Support: https://anchor.fm/michele-lynch/support