The Twin Flame Mirror

Twin Flame Transformation - A podcast by Michele Lynch

Episode 69 - In this episode, Michele talks about the Twin Flame mirror. The mirror your Twin Flame provides you as well as the mirror energy you are sending to them.  "I have found working with this mirror energy one of the most profound and exact ways to know where I was in relation to my Twin Flame - and more importantly - where I was with self-love and union with Divine love. This mirror knowledge also helped me to understand my energy field and notice where there was fear and/or outdated beliefs and habits. The challenge with working with the mirroring energy - is it's not always easy to figure out what's being mirrored back and what energy we are mirroring to them. What we know about the concept of Twin Flames is that at one time we were once one soul and now this one soul has split in two and these two split souls are residing in two different human bodies. Our Twin Souls want to find their way back to wholeness here on earth in the energy of the Twin Flame. What can get us off track is when we think that wholeness means coming back with our Twin Flame. And in some ways it does. But it may not be how we think. If we even think we need to be with them then we are reinforcing the idea of separation that we're not with them. It’s important to know that we can be in union and not be with them physically. Union - is ultimately union with self-love and Divine love. In that place we are in union with them and in co-resonance with the energy of our original energetic blueprint. And in some cases - we can end up physically with them. Hopefully more and more will be coming together. But when you get to union energy - it really doesn’t matter whether you’re with them or not. When I use the language of coming together in this episode - it’s not always literal. It’s energetic. Union is about coming back to resonance with our original soul blueprint. And when we can take physical union off the table - we free up our anxiety about a timeline with our Twin Flame and we can walk in the path of non-attachment instead. Which is the energy of unconditional love. This energy is also the frequency of our soul before it split in two. The dynamic we have with our Twin Flame is similar to how a magnet works. We either strongly magnetize and attract each other or we repel each other. Pure unconditional love is the energy that attracts each other. So any of our stuff that is not aligned with pure love - will be the stuff that repels our Twin Flame. The more we can clear and heal anything that’s not love - the more we clear up the energy field between our Twin Flame and the more they'll be attracted and magnetized back to us. Mirroring also does more than just focus us on our Twin Flame relationship and status. It actually helps us turn the focus back to ourselves — towards self love and Divine love. Which is ultimately what this Twin Flame journey is about. It’s the highest path and timeline we can walk - being one with ourself and the Divine. I’m this place we’re also in union with the world. Join me in this episode as I dive more deeply in to the mirror energy. Thanks for listening!" Listener Support: Website: Articles: Instagram: @puttingdreamsonyourfeet