Twin Flame Telepathy and Discernment

Twin Flame Transformation - A podcast by Michele Lynch

Episode 58 - In this episode, Michele talks about telepathy and how to discern what is real. She also dives into the language of the Universe as well as 5 tips that will help you practice telepathy. "This question came from a listener: 'Do you have any insight on telepathy? What is real. What is created in our mind.' Mia Mob What a great question. Thank you Mia.  The definition of telepathy from the Oxford dictionary:  "The supposed communication of thoughts or ideas by means other than the known senses." The definition from the Merriam Webster dictionary: "Communication from one mind to another by extrasensory means." My definition would be Telepathy is communicating through the mind beyond our normal time/space reality. Beyond the in person spoken word. Remember everything is vibration and energy. Sound was the first manifestation of vibration. We are taught we hear through our ears - but there are also other ways we hear. The language of the universe is to speak to us through images, symbols, metaphors, and myths. In that list includes songs, miracles, synchronicities, and dreams. I also want to add synesthesia - which is when your senses communicate through different means. Some people see colors when they hear music or see shapes when they hear names, etc. So for some people their experience of telepathy might be through images and shapes or colors or songs. When talking about telepathy - the thing that’s important to be conscious of - is that some of us are super open energetically and are picking up other peoples energy and thoughts and we might not even be aware of it. In order to be clear on telepathy we need to know where we start and where we end. What is ours and what is not ours. What's ok and what's not ok. That’s why boundaries are super important. Physical, mental, energetic and spiritual boundaries. That’s why meditating is so important. That’s why clearing our energy is important. Also being able to tune into our intuition is super helpful and imperative on this Twin Flame journey.  I hope you enjoy this episode! Thanks for listening!" Website: Articles: Instagram: @puttingdreamsonyourfeet Listener Support: